representation of unsigned long int: unsigned long inta=8888855555;
It is 32-bit
data type and all its 32 bit is data bit.
equivalent of 888885555 is: 110100 11111011 01010001 00110011
For 32 bit we
will add 2 zero in the left side i.e. 00110100 11111011 01010001 00110011. Here
A is 00110100
B is 11111011
C is 01010001
D is 00110011
Memory representation:

2. Memory representation of signed long int:
For positive
number: long int a=8888855555 or
signed long int a=8888855555;
It is 32 bit
data type.
It of 8888855555
is 110100 11111011 01010001 0011001131
Bit: data bit
1 bit: signed
For 16 bit we
will add 2 zero in the left side i.e 00110100 11111011 01010001 00110011. Here
A is 00110011
B is 01010001
C is 11111011
D is 00110100
Memory representation:
For negative number: long int a= -8888855555 or signed long int a= -8888855555;
It is 32 bit
data type.
Bit no 31 is
signed bit.
855555 is 110100
11111011 01010001 00110011
For 32 bit we
will add 2
Binary equivalent of 8888 zero in the left side i.e. 00110100 11111011 01010001 00110011
Negative numbers
are converted in 2's complement format before stored in the memory.
Since a is
negative number so it will first convert in the 2’so
1’s Complement
of a:11001011
00000100 10101110 11001100
+ 1
2’s Complement
of a: 11001011 00000100 10101110 11001101

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