Function tutorial in c

Function tutorials in c programming language by examples

Definition of function in c

Why we should use the function?

Function naming rule in c:

Name of function includes only alphabets, digit and underscore.

First character of name of any function must be an alphabet or underscore.

Name of function cannot be any keyword of c program.

Name of function cannot be global identifier.

Name of function cannot be exactly same as of name of function in the same scope.

Name of function is case sensitive

Name of function cannot be register Pseudo variable

Return type of a function: 

Return type of function

Function returning Pointer to user defined data type

Function which is returning pointer to pointer

Function returning pointer to derived data type

Function returning pointer to void i.e. generic pointer

Function returning pointer to double

Function returning pointer to float

Function returning pointer to integer

Function returning pointer to character

Function which is returning pointer

Function which is returning void data type

Function which is returning double data type

Function which is returning floats data type

Function returning pointer to array

Function returning pointer to enum

Function returning pointer to union

Function returning pointer to structure

Function which is returning pointer to function

Function returning int data type

Function which is returning char data type

Parameters of a function:

Function parameters

Parameter passing convention: pascal and cdecl

Call by values and call by reference

Function in c with no parameter and not returning

Function in c has parameter but not returning any value

Function in c with parameter and returning a value

What is Ellipsis or … in c?

Function recursions:

Function recursion

Important points about function recursion

How to find out output of recursion program in quicker way

What is declaration of function?

What is main function?

Function overloading

typedef of function

How to calculate size of a function?

What is prototype of a function?

Function standards

Renaming of function

Nesting of function call


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Unknown said...

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