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7 stars printed because ist call stack[5] return stmt 1st quiz...............(1) 2nd call stack[5,2] return stmt 1st quiz................(2) now w=1 <1 print * return to (2) pop top element now call by 2nd quiz stack[5,,2] return stmt 2nd quiz;...............(3) w=1<1 print * return to (3)pop top element print * and return to (1)pop top element stack [5,,,5] call by 2nd quiz...........................(4) stack[5,,,5,2] call by 2nd quiz ........................(5) now w=1<1 print * return goto 5 print *;stack[5,,,5]pop top element return goto 4 print *;stack[5,,,,]pop top element now print final print one more * due to the 1st call;stack [];pop top element
identify the errors in the program,correct them and explain the output thereof; main () { int i; printf("enter the number") scanf"",&i); if(i<=50) printf("\n entered number is <50)
identify the errors in the program,correct them and explain the output thereof; main () { int i; printf("enter the number") scanf"",&i); if(i<=50) printf("\n entered number is <50)
main() { int i; printf("enter i\n"); scanf("%d",&i); if(i<=50) printf("entered no is lessthan 50"); else printf("entered no is not in less than 50"); }
int main(){ char binaryNumber[MAX],hexaDecimal[MAX]; long int i=0;
printf("Enter any hexadecimal number: "); scanf("%s",hexaDecimal);
printf("\nEquivalent binary value: "); while(hexaDecimal[i]){ switch(hexaDecimal[i]){ case '0': printf("0000"); break; case '1': printf("0001"); break; case '2': printf("0010"); break; case '3': printf("0011"); break; case '4': printf("0100"); break; case '5': printf("0101"); break; case '6': printf("0110"); break; case '7': printf("0111"); break; case '8': printf("1000"); break; case '9': printf("1001"); break; case 'A': printf("1010"); break; case 'B': printf("1011"); break; case 'C': printf("1100"); break; case 'D': printf("1101"); break; case 'E': printf("1110"); break; case 'F': printf("1111"); break; case 'a': printf("1010"); break; case 'b': printf("1011"); break; case 'c': printf("1100"); break; case 'd': printf("1101"); break; case 'e': printf("1110"); break; case 'f': printf("1111"); break; default: printf("\nInvalid hexadecimal digit %c ",hexaDecimal[i]); return 0; } i++; }
return 0; } why use char to store the binary value
syntactical que bt repeated thinkg require
Explanation needed:-
void quiz(int w); main() { int x= 5; clrscr(); quiz(5); } void quiz(int w) { if(w>1) { quiz(w/2); quiz(w/2); } printf("*"); }
pointers,functions and strings are my favorite chapters in c programming and i can really defend these in 100%. i love c programming
It Will only a print a star because in if condition you haven't written anything so only print one star on terminal
Mokka subject.
7 stars printed because
ist call
stack[5] return stmt 1st quiz...............(1)
2nd call
stack[5,2] return stmt 1st quiz................(2)
now w=1 <1 print *
return to (2) pop top element
now call by 2nd quiz stack[5,,2] return stmt 2nd quiz;...............(3)
w=1<1 print *
return to (3)pop top element
print * and return to (1)pop top element
stack [5,,,5] call by 2nd quiz...........................(4)
stack[5,,,5,2] call by 2nd quiz ........................(5)
now w=1<1 print *
return goto 5 print *;stack[5,,,5]pop top element
return goto 4 print *;stack[5,,,,]pop top element
now print final print one more * due to the 1st call;stack [];pop top element
can u provide some questions on bit programming
q(5) -> q(2) -> q(1)
. | -> q(1)
. | -> q(2) -> q(1)
. -> q(1)
This is a recursive algorithm. Seven * are printed. The algorithm stops calling q recursivelly when w=1.
Can you tell the meaning of below code
identify the errors in the program,correct them and explain the output thereof;
main ()
int i;
printf("enter the number")
printf("\n entered number is <50)
identify the errors in the program,correct them and explain the output thereof;
main ()
int i;
printf("enter the number")
printf("\n entered number is <50)
if u give no is 0 then condition is fail while wont exicute....
if u give non zero no conditio always true it goes to infinite loop
int i;
printf("enter i\n");
printf("entered no is lessthan 50");
printf("entered no is not in less than 50");
hellop can i please get sme help
#define MAX 1000
int main(){
char binaryNumber[MAX],hexaDecimal[MAX];
long int i=0;
printf("Enter any hexadecimal number: ");
printf("\nEquivalent binary value: ");
case '0': printf("0000"); break;
case '1': printf("0001"); break;
case '2': printf("0010"); break;
case '3': printf("0011"); break;
case '4': printf("0100"); break;
case '5': printf("0101"); break;
case '6': printf("0110"); break;
case '7': printf("0111"); break;
case '8': printf("1000"); break;
case '9': printf("1001"); break;
case 'A': printf("1010"); break;
case 'B': printf("1011"); break;
case 'C': printf("1100"); break;
case 'D': printf("1101"); break;
case 'E': printf("1110"); break;
case 'F': printf("1111"); break;
case 'a': printf("1010"); break;
case 'b': printf("1011"); break;
case 'c': printf("1100"); break;
case 'd': printf("1101"); break;
case 'e': printf("1110"); break;
case 'f': printf("1111"); break;
default: printf("\nInvalid hexadecimal digit %c ",hexaDecimal[i]); return 0;
return 0;
why use char to store the binary value
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