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12. #include static num; int main(){ printf("%d",num); return 0; } int num =25;
i don't think the answer t this ques. is 25 coz variables are usable only from it's point of declaration.......here for answer to be 25 we have to use extern
12. #include extern int num; int main(){ printf("%d",num); return 0; } int num =25;
the answer given by the writer is correct, remember for the precedence of the operators, to help u,the first that yo must be operate is unary operators search what unary mean, then * / % then + - then shifting. now according to the given problem as substrahend has high precedence than shifting first evaluate the substraction and then shfting propert you will get the answer bye GEBREHIWET ABRHAM MEKELE INSTITUE OF TECHNOLGY MEKELE, ETHIOPIA
it seems that incorrect number 6 and 8; i have complied using gcc compier but they have value and are corect but the given answer does not much> how this is ??? bye gebrehiwet abrham mekele institue of technolgy ethiopia
to understand this problem, first you should know about the BITWISE SHIFT OPERATORS. there are two types of bitwise shift operators that is <<(left shift operator), >>(right shift operator). the shift operators are used to move bit patterns either to left or right. so here we have class=150 and private-public=5. that is 150 >> 5. now we have to convert 150 to bits. i.e. 0000 0000 1001 0110 >> 5. now shift(remove) rightmost 5 bits of operand(value) and add 5 zeros at left side. now it will 0000 0000 0000 0100. that is 4. similarly, for <<(left shift operator) shift leftmost 'n' bits and add 'n' zeros at right side. example : x=4 x << 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 << 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0001 0000 . x >> 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 >> 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0000 0001 .
to understand this problem, first you should know about the BITWISE SHIFT OPERATORS. there are two types of bitwise shift operators that is <<(left shift operator), >>(right shift operator). the shift operators are used to move bit patterns either to left or right. so here we have class=150 and private-public=5. that is 150 >> 5. now we have to convert 150 to bits. i.e. 0000 0000 1001 0110 >> 5. now shift(remove) rightmost 5 bits of operand(value) and add 5 zeros at left side. now it will 0000 0000 0000 0100. that is 4. similarly, for <<(left shift operator) shift leftmost 'n' bits and add 'n' zeros at right side. example : x=4 x << 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 << 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0001 0000 . x >> 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 >> 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0000 0001 .
less than(<) operator is a relational operator, it will return either 0 or 1. here y= _SMALL_ < 5 i.e. y = 11 < 5 ; , here 11<5 is falls so it will return 0, that is y=0. compiled on gcc compiler.
Q 7. Remember that digits are stored in two's complement. here 991+~91 in bits 91=>0101 1011,, ~91(one's compliment of 91)=>1010 0100. first bit is 1,so it will be negative, now look at -92 i.e. twos complement of 92 =>010 0100 ,,so we can say here ~91 is equals to -92.
91 =>0101 1011 ~91=>1010 0100 (first bit is 1,so it will be negative) ones complement of 0100100 =>1011011 + 1 =>1011100 i.e. 92. with sign bit it will be -92. now answer is 991-92=899. Ex : x=4 then ~x is -(x+1). that is -(4+1)=-5.
Q 17. to understand this problem first you should study clear about STRUCTURES concept..we can declare different data type as single using structure. and 'struct' is a key word to declare structures. ex : struct book { char author; int pages; float price; }; in problem no 17, b is a variable type of 'struct a' , and we can access structure members(int a) using .(dot) operator so b.a will be 10
output is incorrect in those questions because multiple definitions is not possible here static num=5 ; is a definition int num;// is also a definition extern int num; is a declaration
TELL ME WHAT PROBLEM IN THIS CODE...?(MILIND MEHKARKAR) #include int main() { int p,c,m; printf("Enter the marks of three subjects:"); scanf("%d %d %d",&p,&c,&m); if((p>=50 && c>=55 && m>=60)&&(p+c+m>=220||p+m>=130)) { printf("Admission is given"); } else { printf("Admission is not given"); } return 0; }
#include #include void main() { int p,c,m,n,i; printf("Enter the marks of p,c,m"); scanf("%d %d %d",&p,&c,&m); if(p>=50) { if(c>=55) { if(m>=60) { if(p+c+m>=220) { n=p+c+m; printf("Admission is given %d",n); } else if(m+p>=130) { i=m+p; printf("Admission is given %d",i); } else { printf("Admission is not given"); } } else { printf("Admission is not given"); } } else { printf("Admission is not given"); } } else { printf("Admission is not given"); } getch(); }
good tricky question bro!!1
good question !!!!!!!!!!!
awesome question ......good work
Very good work... but question 8 has wrong answer.
Answer of question 8 is correct. You may using different compiler. Check it in Turbo c 3.5 compiler.
Question 10 & 11 are giving error redefinition of ‘num’
with gcc compiler :-/
Nice questions........
gud que's like it
Can you pleaze explain question number 5.How does it give output 4?what is operator << doing?
nice questions .Good work
hiiiiii...this is SILKY BANKA ..i m nt getting ques no.7 and 8.
In question 5......
remember the value becomes half during every right shift(>>) and 150>>30-25
150>>5 times right shift
now ,150 becomes 75(1st time)
75 becomes 37(2nd time)
37 becomes 18(3rd time)
18 become 9 (4th time)
9 become 4 (5th time)
Tricky Questions dude...nice explanation
can't understand qs no. 7 and 17.... plz explain....
didnt get question 7. how 899 ? what is effect of +~ ?
question 7....
~ (xyz_123)= -92
991 + (-92)=899
12. #include
static num;
int main(){
return 0;
int num =25;
i don't think the answer t this ques. is 25 coz variables are usable only from it's point of declaration.......here for answer to be 25 we have to use extern
12. #include
extern int num;
int main(){
return 0;
int num =25;
Thank U very much for such interesting questions and answers.However, what is the difference b/n q.8 and q.9?
in question 5 class is a keyword how it is used as a variable name ?????????????
the answer given by the writer is correct, remember for the precedence of the operators, to help u,the first that yo must be operate is unary operators search what unary mean, then * / % then + - then shifting. now according to the given problem as substrahend has high precedence than shifting first evaluate the substraction and then shfting propert you will get the answer
it seems that incorrect number 6 and 8; i have complied using gcc compier but they have value and are corect but the given answer does not much> how this is ???
bye gebrehiwet abrham
mekele institue of technolgy
nice and good questions
10th ques's answer is wrong
can somebody please explain 8th question,how is the lessthan(<) operator working here and what will be the value of y?
int main(){
register xyz_123=91;
auto pqr_123=991;
const _1a1_=pqr_123+~xyz_123;
return 0;
In this question 7, the variable _1a1_ we have two underscores.. so it is an invalid declaration
very interesting..
to understand this problem, first you should know about the BITWISE SHIFT OPERATORS.
there are two types of bitwise shift operators that is <<(left shift operator), >>(right shift operator).
the shift operators are used to move bit patterns either to left or right.
so here we have class=150 and private-public=5.
that is 150 >> 5. now we have to convert 150 to bits. i.e. 0000 0000 1001 0110 >> 5. now shift(remove) rightmost 5 bits of operand(value) and add 5 zeros at left side. now it will 0000 0000 0000 0100. that is 4.
similarly, for <<(left shift operator) shift leftmost 'n' bits and add 'n' zeros at right side.
example : x=4
x << 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 << 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0001 0000 .
x >> 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 >> 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0000 0001 .
"class" is a keyword in c++ not in c language,, so we can use it as a variable name.
to understand this problem, first you should know about the BITWISE SHIFT OPERATORS.
there are two types of bitwise shift operators that is <<(left shift operator), >>(right shift operator).
the shift operators are used to move bit patterns either to left or right.
so here we have class=150 and private-public=5.
that is 150 >> 5. now we have to convert 150 to bits. i.e. 0000 0000 1001 0110 >> 5. now shift(remove) rightmost 5 bits of operand(value) and add 5 zeros at left side. now it will 0000 0000 0000 0100. that is 4.
similarly, for <<(left shift operator) shift leftmost 'n' bits and add 'n' zeros at right side.
example : x=4
x << 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 << 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0001 0000 .
x >> 2 => 0000 0000 0000 0100 >> 2 now it will be 0000 0000 0000 0001 .
less than(<) operator is a relational operator, it will return either 0 or 1.
here y= _SMALL_ < 5 i.e. y = 11 < 5 ; , here 11<5 is falls so it will return 0, that is y=0.
compiled on gcc compiler.
sorry,, it is (11<5) false not falls , spelling mistake.
Q 7.
Remember that digits are stored in two's complement.
here 991+~91
in bits 91=>0101 1011,, ~91(one's compliment of 91)=>1010 0100. first bit is 1,so it will be negative,
now look at -92 i.e. twos complement of 92 =>010 0100 ,,so we can say here ~91 is equals to -92.
91 =>0101 1011 ~91=>1010 0100 (first bit is 1,so it will be negative)
ones complement of 0100100 =>1011011 + 1 =>1011100 i.e. 92. with sign bit it will be -92.
now answer is 991-92=899.
Ex : x=4 then ~x is -(x+1). that is -(4+1)=-5.
Q 17. to understand this problem first you should study clear about STRUCTURES concept..we can declare different data type as single using structure. and 'struct' is a key word to declare structures.
ex : struct book
char author;
int pages;
float price;
in problem no 17, b is a variable type of 'struct a' , and we can access structure members(int a) using .(dot) operator
so b.a will be 10
output is incorrect in those questions because multiple definitions is not possible
here static num=5 ; is a definition
int num;// is also a definition
extern int num; is a declaration
class = class >> private - public; explation
int main()
int p,c,m;
printf("Enter the marks of three subjects:");
scanf("%d %d %d",&p,&c,&m);
if((p>=50 && c>=55 && m>=60)&&(p+c+m>=220||p+m>=130))
printf("Admission is given");
printf("Admission is not given");
return 0;
void main()
int p,c,m,n,i;
printf("Enter the marks of p,c,m");
scanf("%d %d %d",&p,&c,&m);
printf("Admission is given %d",n);
else if(m+p>=130)
printf("Admission is given %d",i);
printf("Admission is not given");
printf("Admission is not given");
printf("Admission is not given");
printf("Admission is not given");
que 8 ans will be 0
please clear that that question answer
int a=10;
what is answer this question explain its.
can a macro be used as a variable name
#define ONE TWO
#define TWO ONE
int TWO=1;
int ONE=2;
printf("%d %d", ONE, TWO);
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