If an employee spends 30% of his salary on fooding, 10% on clothing and 15% on other work. In this way he saves 10000 per month. Write a c program to find his total salary.

int main(){
    float total_salary;
    total_salary = 10000.0/(1-30.0/100-10.0/1000.0-15.0/100);
    return 0;


//Spending money on fooding
        fooding = (total_salary * 30)/100;
        //Spending on clothing
        clothing = (total_salary*10)/100;
        //spending on other work
        other = (total_salary*15)/100;
        //According to question
        total_salary = fooding + clothing + other + 10000
        total_salary = (total_salary * 30)/100 + (total_salary*10)/100 + (total_salary*15)/100 + 10000
        total_salary(1 -30/100 - 10/100 - 15/100) = 10000
        total_salary = 10000/(1-30/100-10/1000-15/100)

Answer: 18518.517578

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is an error in your algorithm.so the answer is wrong.
the should be like this ..,

//Spending money on fooding
fooding = (total_salary * 30)/100;
//Spending on clothing
clothing = (total_salary*10)/100;
//spending on other work
other = (total_salary*15)/100;
//According to question
total_salary = fooding + clothing + other + 10000
total_salary = (total_salary * 30)/100 + (total_salary*10)/100 + (total_salary*15)/100 + 10000
total_salary(1 -30/100 - 10/100 - 15/100) = 10000
total_salary = 10000/(1-30/100-10/100-15/100)

/* program expression is ..*/
int main(){
float total_salary;
total_salary = 10000.0/(1-30.0/100-10.0/100.0-15.0/100);
return 0;
Answer : 22222.22