Modifiers in c

Explanation of modifiers in c programming language by examples and questions

Rules for using modifier in c

Rule 1: We cannot use two modifiers of same groups in any particular data type of c.
For example, following declaration of c are illegal:

short long int i;
static auto char c;
signed unsigned int array[5];
pascal cdecl display();

Following are valid declaration of c:

const volatile float f;
signed static long volatile int i;

Question: Is following declaration is valid in c?

1.   intnear * far * huge *p;
2.  char const * const *c;
3.  short short int i;
4.  const const int i;

Rule 2: We can write modifier either before the data type or after the data type. For example, both of following declaration is correct:

unsigned char c;
char unsigned c;

Rule 3: Order of modifier including data type doesn’t affect the meaning of declaration. For example all of the following have same meaning:

int const short extern i;
int extern const short i;
int short extern const i;
const int short extern i;
extern short const int i;

Rule 4: There is one exception in rule 3. POINTER, FUNCTION and INTERRUPT modifier must be written after the data type. For example, in the following declaration:

unsigned const char far *c;
char unsigned const *c;
char far unsigned const *c;
const char far unsigned *c;
far char const unsigned *c;
const unsigned far char *c;

First four declarations are valid as well as equivalent. But last two declarations are invalid.   
List of data types
Primitive data types in c
Modifiers of data types in c
List of modifiers in c
Default modifiers of data types in c
Default data of modifiers in c
Rules of using modifiers in c
Possibles modifiers of given data types in c
Size modifier in c
Size of data types in c
Sign modifier in c
Range of data types in c
Easy way to remember limit of data types in c
Const modifiers in c
Pointers modifier in c
Function modifier in c
Interrupt modifier in c
Volatile modifier in c
Fundamental data types in c
Memory representation of char in c
Memory representation of signed char in c
Memory representation of int in c
Memory representation of signed int in c
Memory representation of double in c


Swapan said...

Please do post answer to questions as well. This will help in case of doubts. So,plz ans to these ques??

Unknown said...

wat dout?

Jitendra said...

const enum Alpha{
int main(){
enum Alpha a,b;
a= X;
b= Z;
return 0;

Choose all that apply:
(A) -4
(B) -5
(C) 10
(D) 11
(E) Error: Cannot modify constant object

Jitendra said...

sir there is problem in above question answer of this question will be 1 instead of -4
because value of z will be 6 so that
so that please correct it sir

sarath said...

Question: Is following declaration is valid in c?

1. int near * far * huge *p;
2. char const * const *c;
3. short short int i;
4. const const int i;
ans : no
because all 4 options haveing same group of modifiers

Unknown said...