Write a c program to find the size of int without using sizeof operator

How to find size of integer data type without using sizeof operator in c programming language  


int main(){

  int *ptr = 0;

  printf("Size of int data type:  %d",ptr);

  return 0;


1. Write a c program to convert decimal number to hexadecimal number.
3. Write a c program to convert octal number to decimal number.
4. Write a c program to convert octal number to hexadecimal number.
5. Write a c program to convert hexadecimal number to decimal number.
6. Write a c program to convert hexadecimal number to octal number.
8. Write a c program to convert binary number to hexadecimal number.
9. Write a c program to convert binary number to octal number.
11. Write a c program to convert hexadecimal number to binary number.
12. Write a c program to convert octal number to binary number.
14. Write a c program to convert centigrade to fahrenheit.


STUDY said...

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STUDY said...

Reply me in arjya.net@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

int *ptr = 0;


What is its meaning...
I didn't understand it.